Summer is upon us here on the west coast of Scotland, and at the estate we are enjoying the full benefits of long and warm days. Each season of the year has it’s own wonders and secrets to reveal and for those who look even closer there can be new discoveries to be made all the time.

A newborn deer spotted camouflaged amongst the undergrowth, fish hunting in the shallow waters around the bay or eagles souring high in the warm air over the rocky crags.

The natural world around us is defined by each season and the cycles of new life and growth and then dormancy or death that they can bring. We come to know what to expect as spring turns to summer, we hope for things that we can enjoy with each new turn of the seasonal calendar, whether swimming in the lochs on hot summer afternoons, or sledging in the hills on snowing winter days, each season can hold its own delights.

The Bible tells us that God’s divine nature can be clearly seen in His creation, that we can see something of who He is by looking at the natural world around us. Here at Kilchoan we are blessed to be surrounded by constant reminders of how wonderful the natural world can be, we are spoilt with amazing vistas of the land, sea and sky and can enjoy such diverse flora and fauna.

These things are constantly changing as the year progresses, and this can be a reminder to us that the God of creation is also dynamic, that He is a living God who, the Bible tells us, came to seek and save that which was lost. That Jesus came to announce a new season for mankind, the season of God’s grace, when all who turn to Him can freely receive forgiveness and salvation.

This time of God’s grace is a wonderful spiritual season to be in, one that, if we look closer we may discover the incredible mysteries of God, revealed in the world around us, revealed in the words He has given us, and revealed in the love He has shown us through Jesus Christ our Lord.

The Bible says;

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” Ecclesiastes 3:1

May our prayer be, that in this season, both in the natural and the spiritual, we would look closer, we would search deeper, and see more clearer, the wonders of the world around us and the wonders of God’s love towards us.