There is a strong desire to connect with the natural world around us here on the Kilchoan Estate. The belief that we should be living in harmony with creation, seeking to understand the benefits of developing a closer relationship with the place that we inhabit.

There is a vision here to provide people with the opportunity to reflect on the many and varied challenges that humanity must currently face, from increasing sustainability and making developments that are compatible with a cleaner, healthier environment, to working towards repairing the damage that has already been done to our fragile planet. We are hoping to be able to make a valid contribution in tackling some of these important issues and to make choices that will have a positive impact on the world.

Jesus said that to be truly fruitful in our daily lives and to be able to make the right choices it is essential that we understand our need to be connected to Him, to His teaching and His life. This makes a lot of sense if we hold the view that God created all things and therefore repairing, maintaining or improving them are best done in partnership with Him.

Jesus used the example of a vine and it’s branches to help us understand our need of Him. He gave the illustration that a vine branch can only produce fruit if it remains connected to its source, the vine.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”   John 15:5

Humanity is becoming more aware then ever that we must find a way to live in communion with the natural world, that we can not progress unless we realise that this fragile planet, which is the source of all of our physical needs, from food to energy to materials, must be respected and protected.

We are all facing many challenges, and the ability to overcome these will require great wisdom and resourcefulness. The Bible teaches that God, who created all that we see around us, is the source of all wisdom and is eager to give it to those who seek Him.

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”  James 1:5

Let us come to Him, to connect to the One who desires that all of us live in unity with Him, with one another and with the world that He created. If we are to be fruitful in implementing the changes that seem so necessary in our current times, then remaining in the will and the Word and the love of God, allowing Him to inspire us and to guide us seems like wisdom indeed.