Our world is full of different voices; the speech of those that we love, the sounds of those around us, the words of friends, the mutter of enemies.
“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and dine with him, and he with Me.” Revelation 3:20
We are surrounded by voices trying to entertain us, to distract us, to direct us, to teach us, to sell to us or take from us.
There are the constant political murmurings trying to influence us or dictate to us. As we turn on the news we hear so many reports that can move us, or frighten us.
There are multitudes of voices, some that speak to us on a daily basis, people that we interact with though work or family life. There are some that may speak to us from our past.. our parents who had such a hand guiding our early years, may guide us now, even if they have passed, as we live with the sound of their advice, of their approval (or disapproval!).
Then of cause there is our own voice, an internal narrative, sometimes encouraging us, at times condemning us.
The world can be a noisy place, with technology comes the constant stream of news, social media and modern communication.
Sometimes finding solitude, a quiet place, peace, can be a real challenge.
The Bible teaches us that God speaks to people. Through many different ways He communicates His love, His will… He speaks through His written Word, He speaks through His creation, as it reflects something of Himself and His glory, He speaks by His Spirit, leading and guiding those who hear Him.
But often it is that hearing that is the challenge, when there is so much vying for our attention, being still and listening can be a hard task…
Yet God knocks.. He speaks.. He talks to us and looks for a response..
At Kilchoan we are surrounded by the beauty of God’s creation… Walking in the hills, ambling along the foreshore, resting in the gardens, there is space to be still…
We are also in a place where many before have sought to connect with God, Spiritual seekers that have gone looking for peace and solitude, to clear a space in their lives that God can fill…
Here at Kilchoan it may be that little bit easier to switch off some of the voices that can often fill our day…
Maybe at Kilcoan, in the stillness that can often be found here, there is an opportunity to hear God knocking, to see Him speak through the beauty of His creation surrounding us… To hear His voice in the sounds of the Chapel… In the chance to sit quietly with His Word…
And if you do hear Him… what next…
“If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and dine with him, and he with Me.”